Urban Africa: Income Disparity as Violence Against Women

The goal of this survey is to examine how people – male and female, their families, organizations, and governments contribute to or stay silent in the face of the systemic economic disenfranchisement of women. Is the average African aware of the income and gender disparities around them? To what degree do they see this as a form of violence against women? We ask a series of questions – using scenarios – to tease out how aware or unaware people are about their biases. We also explore how family dynamics determine the skills women are taught vs the skills men are taught. 

Survey Questions

  1. My parents gave me the same quality and level of academic and skills training as the men in my family
  2. My family supports my academic and career pursuits in the same way they support men in the family
  3. How do the financial expectations your parents have of you compare to those they have of men in your family?
  4. I feel supported and respected at my workplace
  5. I have access to the same job roles as men in the workplace
  6. I am paid equal to the men in the same job roles at my workplace
  7. I am offered the same opportunities for career growth and progress as men in my workplace
  8. The policies at my workplace are favorable to family life in general
  9. The policies at my workplace are favorable to working mothers