3 Things to Help You Decide Between Cash vs Card

Is the cashless policy for you?

You’ve heard people say, I take out the cash I need so that I don’t spend too much. You might have also heard, Cash is King. But in the 21st century, it might be time to reassess those words. Cash vs Cards — which is better? Our answer, it depends — on 3 things.

1. Location —

depending on where in the city you are, cards make more sense and vice versa. If, like most people, you keep a fairly regular routine, you’ll know by now whether or not ATM and POS machines are readily available and accessible. That knowledge will determine what’s most convenient for your location.

2. Safety —

City life is boisterous. You’re on a bus, in a taxi, wherever. You don’t need the extra worry of having cash on you — making you an easy or fruitful target. Going with plastic keeps things simple. And safe.

3. Goals —

If you want to be exact with your money management, cards are the easiest way to avoid the abyss of loose change. With notification alerts and REACH, you’ll know precisely what’s going on with your money. My mother always wrote down her expenses every evening. Very few humans are like my mother. That’s why there’s REACH — so you enjoy your evenings while a machine tracks and manages your finances.

That’s why there’s REACH — so you enjoy your evenings while a machine tracks and manages your finances.

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